2024 Applicant Information

MEET THE PREVENTION SCIENCE FACULTY: Dr. Leslie Leve: video | research
Dr. Elizabeth Budd: video Dr. Wendy Hadley: video | research Dr. Anne Marie Mauricio: video | research
Dr. Jessica Cronce: video | research Dr. Nichole Kelly: video | research Dr. Ellen McWhirter: video | research
Dr. Dave DeGarmo: video Dr. Atika Khurana: research Dr. Beth Stormshak: video | research
Dr. Nicole Giuliani: research Dr. Jean Kjellstrand: video | research Dr. Emily Tanner-Smith: video

CPHS Departmental Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services strives to maintain an inclusive learning environment that values and celebrates diverse perspectives so that all students can flourish professionally and personally.  Our view of diversity encompasses, but is not limited to, ability, age, culture, gender, language, nationality/geography, political views, race/ethnicity, religious beliefs and practices, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status/class. Advancing social justice is central to our educational mission. We condemn the systemic racism, oppression, and violence against minoritized communities in the United States and stand in solidarity with calls for social justice. Our community strives to advance social justice through our research, pedagogy, service, and clinical outreach, which collectively aim to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Our work toward these goals is an ongoing journey of learning, and we welcome input from our students, colleagues, alumni, and friends to support these efforts. 

College of Education video: University of Oregon video:
Prevention Science Institute Division of Graduate Studies
Downtown Eugene Waterfalls of Lane County
Downtown Springfield Ridgeline Trail System
Eugene Saturday Market Alton Baker Park


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